St George's C of E Primary Academy

Relationships and Health Education (Primary) Information

Puberty Workshops

As per the request of the parents and carers, and in addition to a period of consultation with the Huda Centre, both workshops will be delivered to the boys and girls separately. 

The puberty workshops will be delivered by the school nurse and will be focused on our key stage 2, Year Five unit of study in Science: describe the changes as humans develop to old age.  As discussed during the consultation meetings in March 2021, the science curriculum in all maintained schools and some academies includes content on human development, including reproduction, which there is no right to withdraw from.

The content of the presentation can be found below:

Girls Puberty PowerPoint

Boys Puberty PowerPoint



As you may be aware, from September 2020 the Department for Education is making Relationships and Health Education (Primary) compulsory in all schools. To introduce our parents and carers to all of the proposed changes and ensure everyone is well informed we would like to invite you to our online consultation meetings  

They will be as follows:  

Monday 1st March 2021 – Year 1 & 2 parents 

Tuesday 2nd March 2021 – Years 3 & 4 Parents 

Wednesday 3rd March 2021 – Years 5 & 6 Parents 

Each session will start at 4:30pm for an hour. You will receive a Teams invite at 10am on the morning of your consultation. 

 We look forward to seeing you then.  

To introduce  the proposed changes and ensure everyone is well informed we would like to invite you to read the following key documents:

· Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) & Health Education Policy

· Understanding Relationships and Health Education in your child’s primary school: a guide for parents ( DFE)

Both documents are available on our school website along with a range of other useful resources which we feel will provide you with a better insight of statutory changes.