Special Educational Needs
At St George's, we believe that all children should be given the opportunity to achieve their full potential, regardless of any additional needs they may have. We also have high expectations of all pupils in how they conduct themselves in and around school, and have a zero-tolerance approach towards bullying in any form.
Pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN) are supported by every means possible at St George’s. Lessons are fully differentiated and ensure that all pupils can access a full range of learning opportunities.
The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) monitor pupil progress using data collected half termly. Pupils who are not making sufficient progress are identified and bespoke interventions are put in place to target their needs.
The SLT ensure all statutory requirements are met and pupils, parents and carers are provided with transparent and coherent information about their children's needs and progress. Full advantage is taken of support from external agencies and providers.
Teaching and learning is monitored by a robust quality assurance calendar to ensure all pupils are accessing Quality First Teaching. If pupils are identified not to be making enough progress then they are monitored closely by all staff including Mrs Opong , the school SENDCo.
Mrs Opong supports class teachers and practitioners with the accurate identification of pupils with additional needs and maintains a regularly-updated provision map of support.
Teaching Assistants, including Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HTLAs), are deployed according to their skills and qualifications. The impact of all waves of intervention is carefully monitored by the SLT.
Staff will make dynamic or planned risk assessments to help keep all children safe. The Children Act 1989 makes it clear that in any decision involving a child 'the paramount consideration must be the child's welfare'. Therefore, while we make every effort to ensure that St George's is an inclusive environment, there may be occasions where we need to exclude a pupil. For details of this, please refer to the 'Exclusion' section of our Behaviour Policy.
If you would like to speak to Mrs Opong, you can make an appointment through the school office or by emailing her at senco@stgeorgesb19.bdmat.org
Click the links below to read our SEND policy, accessibility plan and our SEN Information Report:
St George’s Information Booklet
SEND Parent Information Leaflet
You can read more about Birmingham's provision for special educational needs and disabilities on the Local Authority Local Offer website here https://www.localofferbirmingham.co.uk