St George's C of E Primary Academy

See below which books our staff brought to life on World Book Day 

Soon her eye fell on a little glass box that was lying under the table: she opened it, and found in it a very small cake, on which the words `EAT ME' were beautifully marked in currants.

Dear Duncan, 

It's me, RED Crayon.  We need to talk.  You make me work harder than any of the other crayons.  All year long, I wear myself out colouring FIRE ENGINES, APPLES, strawberries and Everything ELSE that's RED.

Charlie Bucket lives on the outskirts of town with his poverty-stricken family: his parents and all four grandparents. Each day on his way to school, Charlie passes the best and biggest chocolate factory in the world, run by the secretive Willy Wonka. When Charlie’s father loses his job, things go from bad to worse.

These things will not bite you.

They want to have fun

Then, out of the box,

Came Thing two and Thing one!

These pirates SO love underpants,
They're on a special quest
To find the fabled Pants of Gold,
For the Captain's Treasure chest.

With a snoring Mrs Bear, an excitable Baby Bear and a house full of tapping and dripping and ticking, peace is hard to come by – will Mr Bear ever get a decent night's sleep?

Little Red Riding Hood sets out into the forest to take a basket of goodies to her poorly grandma. Along the way, she adds to her stores, picking beautiful flowers, gathering fallen acorns and receiving a gift of some nice, sticky honey. She thinks these treats will cheer up her grandma. But little does she know that they could just save her from the Big Bad Wolf . . .

Gerald the tall giraffe would love to join in with the other animals at the Jungle Dance, but everyone knows that giraffes can't dance . . . or can they?